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Only 10% of that time is spent conducting moderate to vigorous levels of physical activity (Sallis et al. 1997).

Childhood Obesity is a silent but deadly enemy. You need to be careful of its traps. Its attacks have been recorded here.

One of its powerful abilities is to prevent children from exercising. We have done our research and it turns out of all elementary school students, 97% of them receive their weekly physical activity through physical education at school. 

Our fellow heroes at the Centers for Disease Control recommends that children and adolescents aged 6-17 years should have 60 minutes or more of physical activity each day, but in Clark County, the law states that physical education class is required to be 50 minutes long twice a week.

In Clark County, principles decide if their particular school has a lunch recess or not, and how long it lasts. With potentially no recess and out of school physical activity, then a child is getting only 100 minutes of physical activity a week rather than the recommended 420 minutes.

Childhood Obesity is extremely cunning. It will use any means to get to you, especially in food. Overeating and poor nutrition have terrible consequences.

The American Heart Association recommends 1200 kcal to 1800 kcal a day for elementary aged children.

Elbel et al. conducted a study evaluating 349 children and their receipts at fast food restaurants in New York at the time of nutrition labeling. 

 Of the 349 individuals that participated in the experiment, 57% of the population noticed the calorie information and 16% stated it had an effect on their food choice.

On average, the 349 participants purchased 645 calories and 63% of that population knew the number of calories they were ingesting prior to their order (Elbel et al.). 

This study demonstrates the knowledge of a poor food choice, but no sense of a worry of the consequences.

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